Revelstoke Child Care Society
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Corner Stones
Stepping Stones
Corner Stones and Stepping Stones Child Care
Inquiry List Information Form
Please note: please ensure that your child has been born and you can provide a confirmed birthdate when completing this form.
Parent/Guardian 1:
Indicates required field
Parent/Guardian 1 Full Name
Phone Number
Parent/Guardian 2:
(please note this section is required if your family has 2 parents/guardians)
Parent/Guardian 2 Full Name
Phone Number
How many children are you requesting care for? (use the drop down menu to select)
Please provide information regarding each child:
Child's Name (1)
[object Object]
Birthdate (Month/Day/Year)
Child's Name (2)
[object Object]
Birthdate (Month/Day/Year)
If you are requesting space for more than 2 children, please provide more information here:
Information about your request:
Do you currently have a space in licensed child care?
If yes, what days/times do you currently have child care:
If you already have child care, please tell us more about why you are seeking a new space
What is your requested start date?
What type of care are you seeking?
Part Time
Full Time
If part time - which days of the week are you seeking:
Where are you requesting a child care space?
Click arrow to choose
First Available Space at either centre
Corner Stones Only (Begbie View)
Stepping Stones Only (Farwell area)
Please help us understand your child care needs by describing your current work schedule:
(Please complete both sections if there are two parents/guardians in your family)
Parent/Guardian 1:
Work Schedule: Please fill in your schedule for each day. If your schedule changes, please fill in your usual schedule and provide more info under the "Additional Information" section:
Additional Information:
Parent/Guardian 2:
Work Schedule: Please fill in your schedule for each day. If your schedule changes, please fill in your usual schedule and provide more info under the "Additional Information" section:
Additional Information
If you choose, please indicate if your family is in one of the listed underserved populations for child care. ChildCare BC identifies underserved populations as:
young parents (25 years and younger)
a family of colour
new to Canada (under 5 years)
children with support needs
Any further Information you would like to provide:
Please read the following statements. If you agree with the statement please check the box:
I understand that the list of people requesting a child care space is extensive and submitting this information form does not guarantee a space at Corner Stones or Stepping Stones Child Care.
I agree to inform the Revelstoke Child Care Society if I am successful in finding a child care space at another child care facility. I understand this will help ensure that the information list is up to date.
I understand that I will be contacted directly if a child care space becomes available. There is no need to call the child care centres to follow up. Callers will only be provided with confirmation that they are on the list. There will be no estimate provided for when spaces will become available.
I understand that Infant Toddler spaces are in high demand and there are limited spaces. I also understand that spaces are usually filled for 12 to 24 months at a time
For your information:
BC Child Care licensing has specific requirements regarding a child's age in Group Child Care. A child's age determines whether they will be considered for an Infant/Toddler space or a 30 Months to School Aged space. When a child is considered for an Infant/Toddler space, there is an effort to ensure that a corresponding space will be available when they must move to the 30 Month to School Aged space. For spaces in the 30 Month to School Age program, there are provincial regulations regarding the number of children under 36 months.
A number of factors can impact the availability of spaces:
number of certified Early Childhood Educators and ECE with Infant Toddler Certification
number of families seeking a space
child's birthdate
number of children leaving child care (going to kindergarten or withdrawing from care)
Whether space is available to accommodate a child who will need to move from Infant Toddler to the 30 Months to School Age Group Child Care
whether the space available meets the family's needs as provided on this inquiry form
Information in this form will not be shared.
By clicking submit, you are certifying that your information is correct and current. You are also acknowledging that the Revelstoke Child Care Society is under no obligation to offer or provide a child care space.